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Jennifer Vs. Valentine’s Day

10 Feb

I have always disliked Valentine’s Day.  It has nothing to do with being single, even when I have been in relationships, much to most of my past boyfriends’ relief,  I have had no interest in celebrating it – mostly for the usual reasons people hate the holiday. But this year I decided to not be such a spoilsport. I made valentines for anyone who was interested in receiving one although I insisted they all be mailed. I had originally planned on making some simple paper cards but I am obviously incapable of making anything easy and before I knew it I was making valentine embroideries for everyone.   I don’t really feel comfortable in the realms of cute and romantic, so I did my best but ended up with a bit of a science/anatomical/nerd overtone in most of them.

Cuttle Valentine

Tandem valentine

Heart Valentine

Stomach Valentine

Brain Valentine

Self Portrait with Tentacle

28 Oct

In the past few months while working on this self portrait series I started researching for an upcoming project of embroidered hentai, so I ended up viewing a whole lot of tentacle pornography.  No. Really. A lot.  Anyone who has ever delved into that world has surely seen the classic japanese woodcut,  The Dream of The Fisherman’s Wife.  While not the most original, I do enjoy my take on devouring instead of being penetrated by the monster.

I had a lot of fun making the appliqued tentacle. The face is embroidered, washed with watercolor pencils and then appliqued.  I am starting an applique series of industrial accidents, so I am super excited about the fun of applique. I absolutely love embroidery and it is my first passion, but my pieces take so very long that applique is a refreshingly (and comparatively) quick respite from the sometimes tedious work of detailed needle art.

Tentacle Applique

Tentacle Applique (mouth detail)

Stumpwork Banners Pt 1

3 Aug

When I started my first few attempts at stumpwork for my last art show I seriously had no idea what I was getting myself into. I started off with some zombie pieces that ended up being so complex that I am still working on them 5 months later…with no end in site. When I finished my first few needle lace trees I honestly cried because it was so slow and frustrating. While I eventually got faster at making needle lace, I would by no means say I’ve mastered it. The banners I ended up showing are mostly wired needlelace, they also included applique, traditional embroidery and hand beading (I had never beaded either, ugg.) Here are some details of of the first banner, the center oval containing the skeleton measures roughly 1’X2′.

Stumpwork Skeleton-Fire Banner

Stumpwork Skeleton-Fire Banner Detail3

Stumpwork Skeleton-Fire Banner Detail4

Stumpwork Skeleton-Fire Banner Detail1

Torture Applique

11 Jul

I had been working on my first stumpwork pieces and was looking at tons of medieval tapestries, needlepoint and embroidery to prepare. When the stumpwork was taking WAY longer than I had anticipated I decided to fill out my show with some applique inspired by the massive amount of torture images I had been viewing on a daily basis. Oh, those dudes love a martyrdom.

Water Torture Full 1

Cat's Claw Full 1

Saw Full 1

Cat's Claw Detail 2

Water Torture Detail 1

Saw Detail 1

These were massive amounts of fun and I cannot wait to finish up the eight or so projects I have lined up at the moment so I can make some more!

Robot Napkins

4 Jun

I made these napkins a few months ago for the wedding of Annie Bradley and Mercury McCall.  They approached me about making some napkins with a robot holding a heart embroidered on them and I, of course, was flattered and immediately  accepted.  They picked out the fabric and I got to work.


After a few attempts embroidering onto the napkin itself, I decided the best way would be an applique.  So I started sewing napkins and embroidering robots and attaching appliques.



Their wedding looked like tons of fun and I hear the napkins were a big hit.  Congratulations!
If you would like to check out their art you can find it at Annie Bradley Art.  Word on the street is that they may be working on an animation of one of my favorite plays, “Ubu Roi” by Alfred Jarry.  I would like to encourage them to continue.  You should too.

Embroidered Handkerchiefs

8 Aug

I’ve jut finished up a ton of pieces for the show I have up at the Flightpath. I’m sharing the space for the month with Logan Cooper of Boots in the Oven and Andy Sams, both are exhibiting photography pieces. The show will be up until September 1st.

I’ve been picking up vintage handkerchiefs for the last several years whenever I come across them an thrift stores. I took a few and attached some hand embroidered sugar skull appliques I had made foe each individual piece. I struggles endlessly with attaching  the appliques as the hankie Fabric is not only thin but incredibly delicate due to age. I ended up ruining one…my favorite one…it was very sad.



So if you get  chance, swing by the Flightpath and check out our show.

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Pirate Napkins

13 Apr

I just finished another batch of napkins. I decided to go with a skull and crossbones applique for this print. They were much faster than my sacred heart batch, but the only embroidery on them is the whip-stitch around the applique and the teeth. There really is not much to say about them but they were fun and I like the results.


Today I’m making my own cookie cutters and brewing my first batch of beer!


5 Apr

I just finished my first batch of new napkins.

During my latest trip to the fabric store I found a bunch of really great prints. I thought they would make delightful napkins.



I made these new sacred heart appliques inspired by some Chilean wood cuts I have.
I bought some awesome iron-on backing for the appliques. It makes them so easy that it feels like cheating. It stiffens the fabric sturdier that the spray fabric stiffeners in way less time then you press it on to the main fabric and it holds in place. I just go in and do a whip-stitch all the way around with embroidery floss to secure it.


Then I just embroidered some detail on the heart.


The napkins themselves were actually really easy. Cut Square, Pin Hem, Sewing Machine. Although I had a bit of trouble with my mitered corners. They need a little work.
I am incredibly happy with the results.


Don’t you just wanna put ’em in your lap?